Welcome to Mineola63.org
Milestones are set beside the road not to commemorate how far we have come, but to mark the distance to the next destination ahead. We are proud to celebrate sixty years since we left high school and started on our different life's journeys. However, the Class of '63 celebrates it's reunions not to measure our years since our graduation but to confirm our freindships lasting those many years. Our reunions are about being together once again... friendships from our school days in that little town on Long Island, New York to today and importantly looking ahead in our lives and our next reunion.
This website will help to keep us informed of class events and news about fellow classmates and help us focus straight ahead and enjoy shared memories as well.
60th Reunion Plans
This is our 60th Reunion year. The reunion was held on Long Island October 20 - 23, 2023. The link below will update all the details. Many thanks to and the Reunion Committee (Marianne Schiralli , AnnMarie Jankey, Ginny Bushart, Tom Mohrman and Gene Borstel) for all their work in planning another wonderful reunion.
link: 60th Reunion Plans
Comming soon for our 60th Reunion is a new feature "The Saturday Night Jukebox" which will help bring back those memories at Peppers after a football game victory. It will feature some top hits from the fifties aad sixties that we all know and some other selections. This will take me a little while to get up and running. But something will be up soon.